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Library goal

Fully typed, maximally inferred flux implementation with a useful feature set.

What does this mean?

A flux implementation is often the backbone of an application with a whitelist of events that can effect state. At the core of this is the dispatcher and the reducers. Neither of these pieces should have any type ambiguity. The dispatcher should prevent us from dispatching incorrect payload shapes and the reducers should not accept any as the type of the payload. In addition to this, we try to minimize the number of type parameters needed in order to achieve this.

For example:

  • No useDispatch<Action>. None of the hooks require State or Action as they already know.
  • No payload: any in reducers. The payload is inferred based on action.


TopState is a library aimed at replicating Redux with common utilities all as one package whilst maintaining full typings across the feature set.

  • redux - Reducers, actions, dispatchers, stores but no middleware.
  • redux-thunk - By default, actions can be thunks.
  • reselect - Memoized selectors
  • redux-logger - Logging just like original library
  • react-redux - useDispatch, useSelector
  • redux-actions - useAction , useActionCreator, reducerFromHandlers


import * as React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { reducerFromHandlers, createStore, createReactBindings } from "topstate"

 * The central types of TopState are
 * State & Action

type State = {
  count: number;

const inc = { type: "inc" } as const;
const dec = { type: "dec" } as const;
type Action = typeof inc | typeof dec;

 * Create the store, passing initial State
 * Notice we also pass the Action union type, locking it in
let store = createStore<State, Action>({ count: 0 });

 * reducerFromHandlers is a helper function to create reducers
 * by handling actions individually.
 * Fully typed, the `action` will be the member Action
 * specified by the key
const reducer = reducerFromHandlers<State, Action>({
  inc: (state, action) => ({count: state.count + 1}),

  dec: (state,action) => ({count: state.count - 1}),

  // Won't type check, as this is not a membor of the Action union
  // not_a_action: (state, action) => state

 * register the reducer in the store
const removeReducer = store.addReducer(reducer);

 * We "create" the React bindings, again passing the State & Action types
 * Now all React usages already know of State & Action
const {
} = createReactBindings<State, Action>();

const App: React.FC = () => {

  // state is of type State already, due to how we created the hook
  const count = useSelector((state) => state.count);

  // dispatch is typed with Action too, ensuring we can't dispatch incorrect actions or payloads
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const inc = React.useCallback(() => dispatch({ type: "inc" }), [dispatch]);
  // helper for static dispatches
  const dec = useAction({type: "dec" });

  // We cannot do this
  // const not_an_action = () => dispatch({ type: "not_an_action" });
  // const not_an_action = useAction({ type: "not_an_action" });

  return (
      <p>Count: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={inc}>Inc</button>
      <button onClick={dec}>Dec</button>

 * Provider comes from creating the React bindings
  <StoreContext.Provider value={store}>
    <App />


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